Crating Services in Las Vegas
Wondering what to do with your priceless, legendary, and possibly magical antiques and family heirlooms?
Zippy Shell’s crating services are available to protect your important items. We offer custom crating to move sensitive items into storage or for protecting larger, fragile valuables during long-distance moves.

Why Crate an Item?
Professional measuring of the item is crucial to crating protection so that the crate can be built to appropriately accommodate the contents.The risk for damage to valuable items can increase during a long-distance move. Custom crating ensures that fragile belongings are not subject to further stress when moving across the country.
How Are Items Crated
Each solid wood crate is custom-made to the exact specifications needed and is filled with foam to protect your valuables.
Before your scheduled move, your items will be measured for each custom crate to be built before your move. Our team will bring the crate and protective materials with them when they load your items for a safe crating experience.

Crating FAQs
What are some of the most common items that are crated?
Mirrors, sculptures, artwork, delicate glass table tops, and aquariums are some of the items ideal for crating.
Here’s How Fast and Simple
Zippy Shell Works

A sleek, distinctive-looking container that appears in your driveway and is licensed, tagged, and titled.

Every portable storage container is kept indoors and climate-controlled at all times!

When you are ready, we can drop off your storage container 364 days a year. And our friendly movers are available to help you unload and reassemble furniture!
Ready to Get Started?